We'll retreat to the bottom of the sea
We were destined to live out our lives
Underwater, you and me

More bass, more drums, pssh more like cello.

Songs of the week:
Passion Pit- the Reeling
Duffy- Warwick Avenue

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December 2009

the used.
Saturday, August 15, 2009 12:31 AM
This isn't about the awesome band, this is about the same old boy. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. I think I'm being used but isn't that what love is? Using each other for affections, touches, kisses, and sex. I guess its just always the fear of love and if you're some rebound girl or not. I'm proud that I said what I said but it opened up new doors of opportunities and fears. Its such a shame and its really not fair. I constantly wanna talk to him and man I...I don't know I want to just go to his house and kiss him already but what if he doesn't want it? Although he's suggested it many times. Oh boys...

and it breaks me.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:56 PM
I swear these bones are just mere accessories. I feel robbed, lonely, and just out of everything. I really fuckin' mean it this time. I can't take knowing that you're just fucking around with your life and you know that. You ALWAYS do this to me and you know what you're doing and you know that you can get me into tears. You say that person has brainwashed you but you have no idea that you're just as bad as her. And you think that I don't know what it feels like to lose something close to you but you have no idea that you're doing it to me! Just don't call me unless you're okay 'cause you and all my friends know that I feel like shit knowing that I can't do anything to help out. I can tell you right now that a professional can't help you, only you can save yourself from this. The people you surround yourself now are hazardous and the boyfriend you have is even worse. I wish that I could help you but I just can't see you like this, you're my big sister.