We'll retreat to the bottom of the sea
We were destined to live out our lives
Underwater, you and me

More bass, more drums, pssh more like cello.

Songs of the week:
Passion Pit- the Reeling
Duffy- Warwick Avenue

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Spaceman come get me, please?
Monday, May 25, 2009 9:03 AM
This is how I feel:

"I remember when I first laid eyes on you
My man Tom introduced us but I was too shy to say hi
When I finally built up enough nerve to drop a line
You made it clear you wasn't just another myspace mistress
And I didn't take it personal
When you ignored my request to be your friend I spilled my guts and hit send
2 weeks for a response and got nothing
Honestly it only made me want you more
Week 4 rolled around and I was this close to letting go
But something wouldn't let me even though I hardly knew you
It was plain to see we were meant to lock lips
You knock me out with the brass knuckle tats
I was on this website late night lurking
When I got a message from you that was labled urgent
You said that you weren't impressed by lame dudes with no game
They're all the same trying to get your instant messenger name
But the fact that you hit me back made me smile
You must've saw something you liked when you was skimming through my profile
You caught me at the most pivotal moments
And now I'm emailing my love with a dozen digital roses
So click approve, so simple
Show me some kind of sign and let me know it's time to make my move
Just click approve, come on girl
Baby I'm one of a kind and I ain't got time to lose
Just click approve, you're killing me here
Show me some kind of sign and let me know it's time to make my move
Just click approve, come on girl
Baby I'm one of a kind and I ain't got time to lose." -Gym Class Heroes

I'm still waiting for that approve and I'm just so pathetic at this point. My friends think you like me, most of all my sister thinks you like me! What are you holding back? Is it 'cause I'm not that hot chick with thin legs and wear shorts that show my ass? Would your friends make fun of you? Tomorrow I'm gonna find out what's up and finally just ask you if you like me 'cause I like you. Yeah I LIKE YOU. A LOT! I don't know what maybe I'm sucka for a funny guy but damn it I like you and if you like me then so be it. I just need to know before summer break rolls around next week and I'm stuck wondering wasssa goin on. GAHHHHH! I don't want to be your enemy after this though. But Gosh! HC can't even read you and I'm gonna go through with this tomorrow.

May 25th will be the death of me.

Sunday, May 24, 2009 7:34 AM
Oui, mes amies, je suis tres stupide. So I stayed up all night and woke up this morning just to see if he accepted my friends request. I'm so retarded. But my dream I woke up to was the best dream I've ever had this year. At the end, he was there and he took me by the wrist and walked to this grassy part of school. It was a make believe school since it looked nothing like my school. Back to the dream I said I was tired and didn't walk anymore and he replied we don't have to we could stop right here. In the middle of this grassy plain he laid down and pulled me on to his chest. It was the sofest and sweetest thing I have ever dreamt of. I just hope if there is a chance for a relationship it would be said and done. Maybe its my infatuation kicking but I feel like this could work, this could be my something real or I could just be losing my mind. Please let it be, my heart is the most humorous yet lonliest thing to ever walk this earth. Just 'cause I smile and laugh I still yearn for that one person to change my views on love. I'm not looking for Mr. Forever but I'm looking for my first love. I know things wouldn't last in high school for me and I could only hope for only just a first love.
My sister laughed at my stupidity towards this all and says he likes me. I don't know she said she was serious but maybe she just wanted me to shut the fuck up. I'm just so hopeless! I had a freakin' heartattack asking him for his myspace. All my friends have been helpful with their advice and ears. All but one, yes she has helped me but her advice and conclusions scare me. I want to believe but there's a side of me thinking she just wants to fuck me over, that's the scary part. See I don't want to jump to conclusions but I don't want to just stand there. But I haven't been standing there, he's been making moves to talk to me in class and out of class I've been trying to but its so hard with his friends. He's the same guy but with such a different vibe. A vibe that is cool calm but a hint of some jerk-ish delights. Actually its him being held back, wayyy back. Man I need some Bloodhang Gang.