We'll retreat to the bottom of the sea
We were destined to live out our lives
Underwater, you and me

More bass, more drums, pssh more like cello.

Songs of the week:
Passion Pit- the Reeling
Duffy- Warwick Avenue

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Sunday, August 31, 2008 3:50 PM
LVA's nice but pricey. So new school, new boys. Gosh la la la la . Guitar boy is dreamy. He's so shy looking and I just want to own him. Wow I'm stalker-ish. He's so cute when he plays the guitar and his hair is covering his face. AHHH. I bet he has a girlfriend. Such a cute smile and brown hair and blues eyes...damn it. I think I'm falling in love with someone I don't know. I hate this. I adore him. Why?! I just need to fall in love with a best friend or something. Every freakin' time I always fall for someone I don't exactly know and it all falls apart from there. GOSH?! I'm so horrible. I need to stay single so I don't hurt anyone. I don't enjoy it but I also don't enjoy being by myself. Blah blah blah.

Time is of the Essence.
Sunday, August 10, 2008 7:01 PM

That's a recap of my week for you. One whole day tomorrow and the next day I will be on LVA's lunch tables ready to be served to all or trashed and torn. Yesterday my practice hour went remarkably well. Everything sounded good, not a note or finger out of place, timing was good. I even managed to learn a new song. But today...damn. Everything sounds wrong..well not totally wrong but not perfect.
AND my gosh! This Chaparral packet full of applications and registering stuff is ripping my mind and soul. Its like when I have to fill out my last name on there my eyes are going burn right out of there socket! I know Chap can't be that bad but yeah I've never dreamt it like I did with LVA. I know I can still apply for Columbia University or AUP no matter what but ahh. I got to go try again with my cello.

Busy Bee.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 9:25 PM
Just had my private lessons with Lauren and I feel confident with my audition piece, scales, and octaves. I also learned something new about myself. I mumble things when I play my cello. I wonder what I'm mouthing..it intrigues me. When I play, my brain feels dead. Even though my music teacher is all like "You use so many parts of your brain! Your sight, your reading, your coordination!" ...I don't feel like that. I feel like my brain has turned into mush. I must hire a lip reader or whatever they're called.
Oh yeah, BREAKING DAWN is AMAZING. Gosh I can't wait for the Twilight movie. I'm gonna dress up like Bella or what I imagined her to look like while reading the book. I'm gonna wear a red trench coat, make my face pale but that won't be hard in the winter, and have my cheeks rosy pink, and possibly dye my hair that is already black..black. Hopefully I have an Edward to come along with me and Lauren, and hopefully Lauren finds her Roiben or Edward. But not my Edward..her own Edward. ahaha Why do I have to read these fairy tale books! I guess its the why I get by. Also did I mention that Lauren has me ready on reading two other books for this summer! I'm a busy bee, but I like reading when its something I'm interested in. Well I'm gonna be a busy bee. Better start continuing reading. :]

Animal Fries.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 9:15 PM
"I want a lover I don't have to love
I want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
Where's the kid with the chemicals?
I've got a hunger and I can't seem to get full
I need some meaning I can memorize
The kind I have always seems to slip my mind"
- Bright Eyes, "Lover I don't have to Love"

That's the feeling after reading all these love books. Blah blah blah. I saw an really awesome cute guy at Walmart today. He was waiting for someone or something outside. He caught me looking at him but what girl wouldn't? He had hair like Edward Cullen, glasses of comic nerd, and an outfit that was alright but totally JC Penney's. I don't hate his wear, ya know I got a some JC stuff too. Oooh I got to the sexy part of the song:

"You write such pretty words
But life's no storybook
Love's an excuse to get hurt
And to hurt.
Do you like to hurt?
I do, I do
Then hurt me."

SEXY. Anyways back to the boy. Since the hair reminded me of a Edward Cullen, I thought, hey maybe he's a vampire. ahaha Like hey I'll be your Bella Swan. Anyways I turned to look at him again since I walked past him into Walmart. To my surprise he followed in right after I had thought that. Maybe...NO...NO! Naww vampires aren't real but for sure I wish they were. He was good looking but not stunning.. Whatever. Well my story with him involved was short lived so yeah. I feel like listening to Blur. Whoo hoo! Oh yeah my red label strings are fine...I guess the quote is true that "Sometimes the things you want, are the things that can make you miserable". [the new strings I bought] I always followed it and told people that. I guess I just had my moment of having my foot in my mouth.

Public Appearance.
Monday, August 4, 2008 7:38 PM
Hello People.

So I decided to go public with my private blog that I made sure that I didn't give out. After editing [deleting] some namecalling/saying actual people's names to my issue of my blogs. ahaha You'll never know who I'm bashing 'cause they all turned into little nothings. Since I've been getting a lot of compliments on my blogs on my myspace I thought hey if people want more I'll just show'em these secret ones. Plus, I don't think I take that long to post a new blog..I just like to post them when I got the need for typing, sharing, or I just wanna bash someone out. So here we go my very few subscribers. ahahaha

Anyways in real blogging news or my life as of today:

Just ate some bombin' rice porridge. Who would of thought water and rice would make my day a little better. AND my Gramma had yelled for me to come eat first off [That's an invite in Laos families] since I didn't eat all day 'cause of my cello string incident that pretty much pissed me off and I locked myself in my room to sulk in the crushing-ness. At least I got another one of my favorite, I refer it to "Hobo" hats...but barret in common terms. Isn't that werid even if you did lie to your family they some how know that somethings went wrong and even though they don't know exactly what, they got your vibe. But the reason I'm pointing this out is 'cause she was eating this pickled veggie that we always eat this with our porridge but it was still whole 'cause she was the only one eating it and so she got up and went to cut it up 'cause she knows how I like things cut small! Wow that's clearly a run-on sentence. Anyways ever since I was little I just stuck to having meats and what not cut thin and small, and after a bad day that was really sweet. I bet she's not thinking its special but I pay attention to simple things just like that question on that eharmony commercial.
Jumping back to the string issue. I spent the whole heating day going to music stores and I finally found them so I go home and they don't fit. I don't know the return policy at Sam Ash is or if I can get anyone to hammer those strings in. Gladly after Youtube videos, a paperplate with nuts, rice porridge, salty eggs, Hailey, and a bottle of Orangina...I am finally well.

Oh yeah, TRADER JOE'S. Orangina. 89 cents.
Surprise, surprise its the only thing we can afford in this gas demanding world.