We'll retreat to the bottom of the sea
We were destined to live out our lives
Underwater, you and me

More bass, more drums, pssh more like cello.

Songs of the week:
Passion Pit- the Reeling
Duffy- Warwick Avenue

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Sunshine of Your Love
Saturday, February 16, 2008 6:08 PM
I hate those times where you knew you should've just done something else.

Today was my audtition for LVA and it sucked. I knew I was unexperianced in art. I knew that I should've gone for orchestra, but I was so caught of in "Oh, I not good with the cello, drawing is my passion". BULLSHIT. I'm so fucking horrible at art. Now I'm stuck with a year at Chap. yay..

I just wished I made a better decision. Even though I do have a chance to go there since you have to get an acceptance letter but most likely I don't have a chance. It just sucks. Especially when a student who was helping out with the auditions was talking about your still life drawing and say "she fuckin sucks" and laughs. Then hearing from a guy that you just keep giving into says "yeah you should have gone for orchestra". I know its the truth and you knew I already knew that, then can you please can you just cheer me up?

Today is just horrible.

You Can't Always Get What You Want.
Monday, February 11, 2008 2:58 PM
I hate it. You like a boy, a different boy likes you. You feel sorry so you go with the one who likes you, but you can now never get the one you want. BUT somehow a pint-size girl can get whatever she wants. I hate how the defeated never get anything, but I guess that's why you're defeated. I know why she gets everyone and I hope she goes for him and see the real him. The one that has 15 other girlfriends and a corrupt family that do drugs, yes even him.

And she can take my friend away too. Since she's your sidekick now. The one you don't even recognize her half the time and all you do is cry about how sad your life is even though you have everything.