We'll retreat to the bottom of the sea
We were destined to live out our lives
Underwater, you and me

More bass, more drums, pssh more like cello.

Songs of the week:
Passion Pit- the Reeling
Duffy- Warwick Avenue

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Nobody Raise Your Voices
Sunday, December 23, 2007 4:02 PM

Tuesday, December 4, 2007 8:36 PM
I'm a self-proclaimed "independent" person, yet I crave for something to hold on to. I hate how one year, your so sure who you are, then the next your completely lost. Where the hell did I get this independent label? I need a friend to go everywhere with me to a restroom! How the hell did I get this hard shell?!

I can't live in this facade of "I'm a hardass"...wait that was lame. I just want to escape away to wherever...Washington or Montreal! I don't know! I want to run....Run in a forest and then I want it to rain because I LOVE RAIN! I'm ff'n crazy! I know! But I want to run some more, in the rain too and maybe jump er sprint whatever it is. From there I'll...I'll build a sailboat and we could go sailing in a lake..by the sea. I'll sail my way to France and sail to England because...well..I don't speak French..but I was in Montreal for awhile back but then I could've been in Washington...depending on what I decide in the future.